Get to Know
CSA- Community Supported Agriculture

"I am so grateful that I chose csa for our family’s produce. We were provided with an amazing variety of fresh and flavour filled produce which was clean and in abundance! From garden to table our family thoroughly enjoyed making fresh salads, soups, and veggies as a side dish! Delicious!!!!"
What is it?
The Community Supported Agriculture model connects you directly to a local food producer in your community. You sign up before the start of the growing season, and we use small-scale, traditional, natural methods to grow fresh, local vegetables for you all season long. Along with the farmers, CSA members share the unavoidable natural risks of farm -- if certain crops fail we are disappointed together but we rejoice when the harvest is plentiful.
People choose the CSA option for a variety of reasons: to support alternatives to industrial agricultural production and large corporate distribution; to shop and eat locally, reducing transportation distances and supporting the community; to know exactly where your food is coming from and how it is being produced (with opportunities even for hands-on participation); to commit to eating better quality, fresher, more nutritious food and to have a healthier and happier life.
The Options
Our CSA is all about flexibility.
Regular and Large size baskets are available weekly from the beginning of July through to the first week of October. If you don't want a basket every week, no problem! Just check the box for each week you want one. Expect 6-10 different vegetables per basket, regularly including lettuce, carrots, onions, and garlic, plus a changing variety of whatever is in season.
New this year: you get the option of Washed or Unwashed vegetables as well. Unwashed saves us time and you money! It's also great if you're hoping to store some vegetables a bit longer.
Regular Unwashed: $29/basket
Regular Washed: $34/basket
Large Unwashed: $40/basket
Large Washed: $47/basket
Limited Spots Available
​Lil Flock Farm CSA Members receive:
Seasonal fresh vegetables
Returning CSA members receive $25 FREE towards our farm products
Flexibility in basket size, weeks, cost and pick up location
A private Facebook group to share recipes, tips or ask questions
First dibs to purchase any extra vegetables/items we have available every week (Add-Ons)
Members only U-pick pumpkin/squash event
Pre orders are also available for pickling and storage vegetables
How it Works
Starting the first week of July your basket will be available for pick up at our Farm on Saturday mornings and 2 other drop off locations (Cochrane and Church Ranches Pl in Bearspaw) Thursday evening. All pick up locations are conditional on sufficient subscriptions sold.
If you cannot pick up your basket at the allotted time you are welcome to send someone else to pick it up for you. If the basket is not picked up it will be donated or absorbed back into our farm.
You get to pick the size of basket you want. Our Large basket has 50% more for families, those sharing, or anyone who really loves vegetables! You also get to pick how many weeks you want to receive baskets and exactly what weeks you get them. No need to worry about missing if you're away for holidays, just don't pick the weeks you're away. The choice is yours!